What Children say about us
Bibliophiles of America, BOOKS-A-GO GO, Inc.

BOOKS-A-GO GO has received hundreds and hundreds of thank you cards and letters from children who receive books.

Excerpts from thank you cards and letters as the children wrote them:


I love this book.  Im sure tath (that) I can be a star at reding (reading).  I like yore (your) books.

                                                         -Love Kendall

I like my buc (book), I cannot wte (wait) til I can ret (read) to my brude (brother). I like bucs (books).
                                                             - Gabrial W.

"Thank you for such an amazing book.  I will really enjoy reading .  Your books are amazing.  I think you guys have the coolest books in the world.  I just wanted to say Thank You!      
P.S. You guys are the greatest!"  - 

" I lv koow bux": - (I love cool books) ( spelling transposed by the teacher)
                                                  - Austin
  "Thank you for the book. I will never forget your giving.  I really want to thank you for trying to make a book for us."    -   Sharawl


" I like the books cus (because) tm (them) are the bet (best).  Wr (We) lav (love) books. I love you."   
                                   -Love Teronne

 "Thank you for the books.  You are nice to do that.  I love books.   - your friend."  - Destiny

 "Now we have a book in our home"    - 1st grader
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